Why subscribe?

👋🏼 Hey there, my name is Mariana and I write, make content about entrepreneurship, careers and all aspects of the human condition.

Being young and naive means I am still figuring it out. I believe we can be our best version while being our most authentic selves.

In this weekly-ish newsletter you will find:

  • The best productivity and personal development resources I have encountered.

  • The projects I am currently working on and their progress.

  • Stories and reflections, which I also publish on LinkedIn (in a different format).

💡 I have been writing ever since I remember so I don’t forget and I am able to be more organised in my thought processes. I’m giving you a green pass into an easy-to-digest trailer of what my brain looks like. Raw and real, directly into your inbox.

Sounds interesting? Make sure to subscribe (or follow on Instagram and Linkedin)

Subscribe to Ikigai

Sometimes I feel like writing. Here is where I organize my thoughts on personal development, careers and entrepreneurship. Let's be friends.


An easy-to-digest authentic newsletter with my personal reflections on what it means to be a young adult.